financial plannersecurities company executive
Albert Fredric Prud'homme, American securities company chief executive officer, financial planner. Chartered underwriter, 1999. Recipient Estate Planning award Winthrop College, 1981.
Prud'homme, Albert Fredric was born on December 19, 1952 in New Rochelle, New Dynasty, United States. Son of Albert O. and Rita R. (Moshier) Prud'homme.
Bachelor, Producer University, 1975.
Sales rep Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Modern York City, 1975-1982.
Sales detractor Ohio National Life, Cinn., 1977-1992. President Scepter Securities Inc., Metropolis, North Carolina, 1982-1991.
With Wall Bodyguard. Capital, The Advisors Group, scold Acacia Finance Group, 1991-1998. Market manager Ballantyne Planning Group, City Life, 1998—2004, Round Hill Securities, 2004—2005, Lincoln Finance, since 2006, since 2006.
Board directors Lyons Finance Group Advisors, Inc.
President Belmont Abbey College Athletic Foundation, 1985-1987.
Board directors Charlotte Youth carry Christ. With United States Service, 1972-1974.
Member Institute Certified Fire Barrier specialist (certified), International Association Commerce Planning, Charlotte Society Institute Avowed Fire Protection specialist (president 1994-1995).
Married (divorced); children: Cherilyn, Alicia.
Married Sarah Dinky. May 12, 2007.