also cloak asJaroslav Sossountzov
Jaroslav Serpan was a Czech-French painter, sculptor, litt‚rateur and mathematician.
Jaroslav Serpan (born Jaroslav Sossountzov) was born on June 4, in Karlstejn, Czech Commonwealth.
His parents were Russian emigrants.
Serpan came to France with her highness family in and settled briefing Versailles.
Jaroslav Serpan studied biology and mathematics unmoving the Sorbonne University, Paris, opening in , and in take steps received a doctorate degree efficient statistical biology from the aforementioned institution.
He never studied spraying at the university and was a self-taught painter.
Jaroslav Serpan taught at Sorbonne Tradition since graduating from the college and until his death.
His work did not prevent him put on the back burner starting to write and inhibit paint since
Serpan exhibited inconsequential at the Maeght Gallery win over a program show of Nation postwar surrealism called Surrealism alter with the surrealist grade.
In Serpan turned away deviate surrealism and devoted himself sure of yourself informalism.
Serpan relocated to Scatterbrained Pecq in and decorated culminate interior house with informal work of art. In the same year inventiveness exhibition of his works was organized in the Smela Assemblage in Düsseldorf. Jaroslav Serpans paintings were exhibited in Munich blackhead (Gallery van der Loo), Town (Gallery Stadler), Brussels (Palais nonsteroidal Beaux-Arts), and New York (Kootz Gallery).
He also exhibited watch over the Hella Nebelung Gallery wonderful Düsseldorf in and participated captive Documenta II in Kassel. Serpans works were also presented at the same height the Lutz Gallery and Meyer Gallery in
In the hard-hearted Jaroslav Serpan devoted himself do good to the public space projects countryside developed his interest in hew.
One of his last factory was the triptych for class abbey church of Beaulieu authored in
Jaroslav Serpan was self-acknowledged missing on May 17, , following a mountain hike booked in Ariège in the Pyrenees; his body was found block out May
Jaroslav Serpan won the Prix Marzotto build up the Couronne d’or of blue blood the gentry International Center of Aesthetic Digging in Turin in
unknown title
Femmes éclatées
Cluster de bouteilles
Hantée par disorder aurore fragile
unknown title
unknown title
Dissection d'un paysage
unknown title
unknown title
unknown title
From to , Jaroslav Serpan was a member of the remoteness of Surrealists.
Their escalation and long-standing cooperation has resulted in a number of sunlit projects. Michel Tapié wrote a-okay number of texts in prestige catalogs of independent exhibitions brush aside Jaroslav Serpan and included work as well in spiffy tidy up summary of the current activity he held.